GeoGuard is an innovative end-to-end service for the continuous monitoring of critical infrastructure and natural hazards.
Social & industrial challenges
From now to 2030 $57 trillion in infrastructure investment are estimated. $400 billion a year could be saved by getting more out of existing capacity.
Precise and timely measurements of the geometry of critical infrastructure guarantee these results and help in the prevention of catastrophic failures and reduction of insurance costs.*
Economic losses due to natural disasters (landslides, floods, earthquakes and drought) since 2000 are in the range of $2.5 trillion.**
A proper monitoring system facilitates the development of hazards prediction to mitigate or eliminate the risk thus promoting management strategies.
GeoGuard is designed to face and respond to social and industrial challenges:
* McKinsey Global Institute, Infrastructure Practices January 2013
* * UNISDR 2013 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR13)
Critical Infrastructure
Precise and timely measurements of the infrastructure movements and deformations. In particular for:
Natural Hazards
Precise and continuous measures to prevent hazards and reduce risks, particularly in the following areas:
GeoGuard Service
GeoGuard includes both activities and systems, designed for the development of tailor-made solutions in different application scenarios, for precision positioning with an accuracy of the centimeter in almost real time, and of the millimeter for daily or sub-daily monitoring. In particular, GeoGuard includes:
The GeoGuard system architecture is constituted of two main components:

The GeoGuard service is delivered by GReD ( ) and algoWatt companies, through a collaboration program with the purpose of designing, building and operating solutions for the continuous monitoring of critical infrastructures and ground deformations. The service is guaranteed by the strong skills, assets and proven experience of GReD and Proteco in their fields of competence.
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