TerniEnergia and Appalti Tecnologie Progettazione Ambienti & Costruzioni (Atp) have established the JV Purify, owner of a set of plants for the treatment of industrial fluid waste and reclamation of groundwater.
Purify manages operationally the hydraulic system called “Barriera”, consisting of 48 wells for the extraction of treated water, the monitoring system consisting of 95 piezometers placed to control the groundwater of the industrial site of Nera Montoro, chemical-physical and biological plants, for a total treatment of 50m3/h, according to a contract with Syndial SpA (Eni Group) and in compliance with the operational remediation plan.
Purify has started the worksite to upgrade its water and liquid waste treatment plants in line with the requirements of the Nera Montoro groundwater reclamation project.
The new liquid waste treatment plant with a capacity of 58,000 t/year includes two process lines:
- a biological treatment with activated sludge for the removal of nitrites, nitrates and ammoniacal nitrogen, and
- a physical chemical treatment, using a stripping tower (4 cubic metres/hour) with two three stage vacuum evaporators (2,500 litre/hour), for the purification of metals and arsenic.
The objective for the new plant is to intercept flows of liquid waste currently destined for plants located outside Central Italy, increasing the territorial competitive capacity, plant equipment and sustainability assessment of the purification activities, while at the same time reducing the transport of these materials and favouring their treatment and recycling.