About Federico Zacaglioni

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So far Federico Zacaglioni has created 1712 blog entries.

Softeco in the Zero Defects Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project for industry 4.0

By |2019-04-18T14:16:18+02:0018.04.19|Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The project's activities have started, with a total investment of 19 million euros supported by 30 partners (companies, universities and research centres) and by the European Commission for a period of 48 months. Softeco participates in the Consortium as a technology supplier and obtained EC [...]

Softeco joins the innovative sector of the autonomous driving vehicles

By |2019-04-15T10:34:53+02:0015.04.19|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

Funded by the European Commission, the "Trustonomy" project to increase security, confidence and acceptance of Autonomous Driving The Consortium, coordinated by Softeco Sismat, is made up of industrial partners, car manufacturers, research centres and universities, non-profit organisations and technology suppliers. The total financing obtained amounts [...]

Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’Art. 114, c. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 28 Febbraio 2019

By |2019-03-29T18:46:13+01:0029.03.19|Comunicati Stampa|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno 2018 - formulata ai sensi dell'articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs n. 58/1998 in sostituzione degli obblighi di informativa fissati con la precedente nota del 13 dicembre 2017 - di diffondere al mercato, [...]

The Board of Directors approves the postponement of the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2018

By |2019-03-22T12:52:16+01:0022.03.19|Old News, Press Release|

Update on the calendar of corporate events: approval of the draft annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2018 is postponed to a date between 17 and 28 June 2019 The decision taken to align the approval of the results [...]

Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’art. 114, C. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 31 Gennaio 2019

By |2019-02-28T20:38:39+01:0028.02.19|Comunicati Stampa|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno 2018 - formulata ai sensi dell'articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs n. 58/1998 in sostituzione degli obblighi di informativa fissati con la precedente nota del 13 dicembre 2017 - di diffondere al mercato, entro [...]

Green light from the Board of Directors to the update of the Recovery and Relaunch Plan and the related financial manouvre

By |2019-02-26T15:59:40+01:0026.02.19|Old News, Press Release|

In the approved proposal for a Plan, the following are planned: (a) a reshaping of the assets disposal; (b) confirmation of the merger by incorporation of Softeco into TerniEnergia to complete the turnaround process, with the introduction of industrial targets in the digital O&M sector; [...]

The Group’s digital company Softeco obtains the certification UNI CEI ISO/IEC 27001:2013

By |2019-02-20T11:43:51+01:0020.02.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that Softeco, digital company of the Group, has obtained the ISO 27001:2013 Certification for the management of information security for the provision of its services. This certification represents [...]

Per la digital company Softeco arriva lo smart working

By |2019-02-13T09:15:06+01:0013.02.19|Vecchie News|

TerniEnergia, quotata sul MTA di Borsa Italiana e parte del Gruppo Italeaf, comunica che è stato sottoscritto nella sede di Confindustria Genova l’accordo tra Softeco, digital company del Gruppo, le organizzazioni sindacali e le rappresentanze aziendali per la sperimentazione della durata di sei mesi per [...]

TerniEnergia wins the lawsuits at the TAR for Sardinia for the revocation of the Single Authorizations of two photovoltaic plants for 1.6 MW

By |2019-02-05T10:43:44+01:005.02.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the Regional Administrative Court for Sardinia has on the substance of the case, in two separate judgments, the appeals presented by the Company for the annulment of [...]