Softeco in the Zero Defects Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project for industry 4.0

By |2019-04-18T14:16:18+02:0018.04.19|Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The project's activities have started, with a total investment of 19 million euros supported by 30 partners (companies, universities and research centres) and by the European Commission for a period of 48 months. Softeco participates in the Consortium as a technology supplier and obtained EC [...]

Softeco joins the innovative sector of the autonomous driving vehicles

By |2019-04-15T10:34:53+02:0015.04.19|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

Funded by the European Commission, the "Trustonomy" project to increase security, confidence and acceptance of Autonomous Driving The Consortium, coordinated by Softeco Sismat, is made up of industrial partners, car manufacturers, research centres and universities, non-profit organisations and technology suppliers. The total financing obtained amounts [...]

Softeco at the helm of the e-Scale project for Aggregators and Virtual Power Plants

By |2018-12-04T11:10:46+01:004.12.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that Softeco Sismat, the Group's digital company, will coordinate the e-Scale project for the development of innovative solutions for new operators in the electricity market, in particular the "Balancing [...]

Cybersecurity: the Anastacia project in the spotlight at the IoT week in Bilbao

By |2018-06-06T09:35:34+02:006.06.18|Old News, Research & Innovation|

The ANASTACIA research project on cybersecurity, coordinated by Softeco Simat, digital company of the TerniEnergia Group, is under the spotlight at the IoT week that ends on June 8 in Bilbao (SPA). The project coordinator, Mr. Stefano Bianchi, is hosted with information and promotional material [...]

Softeco Sismat leads the Virtus project for a Virtual Power Plant prototype

By |2018-06-05T07:02:55+02:005.06.18|Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The Group's digital company, in cluster with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Marine Engineering (DITEN) and with the IEES (Intelligent Electrical Energy System) laboratory of the University of Genoa, the University of Bologna and Yanmar R&D Europe Srl, obtained a loan from [...]

Softeco Sismat participates in the “PickUp” project for efficient and flexible energy management in urban districts

By |2018-05-22T07:12:15+02:0022.05.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The Group's digital company in a cluster of companies that has obtained a grant of Euro 1 million from the Liguria Region Expected the development of innovative solutions for the energy and environmental management of heterogeneous urban districts, to increase flexibility and autonomy aimed [...]

Softeco Sismat leads the project “GoSmart Genova Smart Mobility 2.0”

By |2018-05-17T07:45:49+02:0017.05.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The Group's digital company at the head of a cluster of companies that has obtained financing from the Liguria Region of Euro 0.9 million Experimentation of innovative solutions, applications and services in the Genoa metropolitan area is expected TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA [...]

Softeco all’IoTWeek di Bilbao con il progetto Anastacia

By |2021-05-31T11:02:33+02:008.05.18|Ricerca e innovazione, Vecchie News|

Dal 4 al 7 giugno 2018, Softeco Sismat, in qualità di coordinatore del progetto ANASTACIA (Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS / IOT Architectures,, sarà presente alla IoTWeek ( a Bilbao (ES) con uno stand dedicato a soluzioni innovative [...]

L’internet of energy di Softeco protagonista ai Coffeetech di Confindustria Genova

By |2021-05-31T11:02:39+02:007.05.18|Ricerca e innovazione, Vecchie News|

E' ormai alle porte un cambio di paradigma nella gestione e nell'offerta dei servizi delle utilities. La distribuzione, il management e la fruizione di elettricità, gas, acqua e rifiuti cambieranno profondamente grazie all'affermazione delle nuove tecnologie digitali, facendo decollare una vera e propria Internet of [...]

Softeco Sismat e CENS di Savona sottoscrivono convenzione su ricerca e sviluppo per energia e smart cities

By |2018-04-27T16:00:17+02:0016.04.18|Ricerca e innovazione, Vecchie News|

Softeco Sismat, digital company del Gruppo TerniEnergia, e l’Università degli Studi di Genova – Centro di Servizio per il Polo Universitario di Savona (CENS), hanno sottoscritto una convenzione lo sviluppo e il consolidamento delle attività istituzionali di entrambe le parti incentrata su tecnologie digitali [...]