Comunicazione di variazione capitale sociale TerniEnergia

By |2018-03-20T15:34:09+01:0015.02.18|Comunicati Stampa|

TerniEnergia S.p.A. comunica la nuova composizione del capitale sociale (interamente sottoscritto e versato) a seguito dell’avvenuta ammissione a quotazione di n. 2.000.000 di azioni ordinarie della Società rinvenienti dal portafoglio azioni proprie ed utilizzate come parziale corrispettivo per l’acquisizione delle società Softeco Sismat Srl e [...]

Softeco Sismat underwrites contract for ticketing and smart payment solutions for Caronte & Tourist

By |2019-09-17T09:58:52+02:0030.01.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The agreement for a total value of approximately Euro 2 million will involve the Group's digital company in a two-year project to reorganise the Villa San Giovanni port terminal and build a new plant in Villa Agip. I twill be provided for the implementation [...]

The Regional Administrative Court of Sardinia grants the suspension relating to the revocation of the Single Authorizations of two photovoltaic plants in JV

By |2018-02-16T14:43:48+01:0019.01.18|Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a company listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that - in relation to the information already communicated in the Interim Report on Operations as at 30 September 2017 - the Regional Administrative Court [...]