As part of the solutions for the management of local public transport, algoWatt has developed a comprehensive suite of products for the management of transport services by road. For traditional services (bus), solutions are available for:
- fleet tracking, monitoring and control of the service (AVL/AVM)
- planning services
- certification of the service actually performed
- transits prediction at stops
- information to users (on board and on ground)
- traffic light priority management
- diagnostic and telemetry
- passengers counting
- interaction with third-party systems (ticketing, video surveillance, etc.).
algoWatt has also developed innovative solutions for the management of flexible transport, in particular:
- on call bus
- on-demand services
The offer in this area is completed by solutions for the planning of movements on the territory (multimodal planner) and for the information to users through various media channels:
- intelligent bus stop signs and information panels
- APP for smartphones
- SMS & eMail
- IVR, web
algoWatt is on the market with the following solutions:
Cooperative Cities (Co-Cities)
Cooperative Cities extend and validate mobility services [...]
Study, development and validation of methodologies and tools [...]
Multi-scale Biological Modalities for Physiological Human Articulation [...]
Systems for Coastal Dolphin Conservation in the Ligurian [...]
Genomic Laboratory Information Management System [...]
Format-Agnostic SCript-based INterAcTive Experience [...]
Computer aided diagnosis support system for the quantification [...]
Enhancing Intermodality of Content, Personalised Information and Functionality [...]
Food Information and Safeguard of Habitat: a Sustainable [...]
Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System for Green Cars [...]