algoWatt’s Board of Directors approves the 2022-2024 business plan “Leading the clean energy transition”

By |2022-03-29T14:38:26+02:0029.03.22|Notizie, Press Release|

A renewed strategic vision in the light of the signing of the Recovery Plan and the Financial Agreement, the recovery of financial solidity and the enhancement of contextual factors, which place algoWatt in an attractive business In the plan: strengthening of governance and optimisation of [...]

algoWatt e Gruppo NSA propongono offerta “chiavi in mano” per contrastare il caro energia

By |2022-06-21T15:32:37+02:0025.03.22|Comunicati Stampa, Green Enterprise & Cities, Notizie, O&M|

Opportunità per la realizzazione di impianti fotovoltaici e Comunità energetiche rinnovabili   L’aumento dei costi dell’energia e delle commodities è destinato a durare ancora a lungo, secondo le stime di tutti i grandi operatori e degli analisti internazionali, contribuendo a far crescere le bollette di [...]

myMaaS PersonalBus technology for accessible mobility wins in Poland

By |2022-03-14T09:52:35+01:0014.03.22|Green Mobility, Notizie, Press Release|

Provision of TeleBus service in Krakow for local public service operator MTK completed and operational Successful on-demand collective transport management service algoWatt will also manage full service support and operational maintenance for a period of 24 months algoWatt, a GreenTech Company listed on the [...]

Il Presidente Stefano Neri racconta la ripartenza aziendale nell’intervista a SustainEconomy.24

By |2022-02-04T12:58:31+01:004.02.22|attualità, Highlights, Notizie|

Il presidente di algoWatt, Stefano Neri, racconta la ripartenza aziendale e l'imminente nuovo piano industriale su SustainEconomy.24 de Il Sole 24 Ore. Il turnaround industriale della TerniEnergia, passato anche in parte con l'acquisizione della storica Softeco di Genova, è stata un'intuizione che risale oramai a [...]

Eng. Idilio Ciuffarella appointed General Manager

By |2022-02-01T11:19:45+01:001.02.22|actuality, News, Press Release|

algoWatt, a GreenTech Company listed on the Euronext Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, announces that its Board of Directors, which met on 28 January, acknowledged the appointment of Eng. Idilio Ciuffarella* as General Manager of the company, qualifying him as an executive [...]

Sustainability: algoWatt and NSA Group together for energy efficiency

By |2022-01-12T18:23:43+01:0013.01.22|Green Enterprise & Cities, highlights, News, Press Release|

algoWatt, a GreenTech Company listed on the Euronext Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, and Gruppo NSA, which is specialised in credit intermediation, insurance consultancy services and subsidised finance for SMEs, have signed a partnership agreement with the aim of promoting the ability [...]

Lettera agli Azionisti del Presidente Stefano Neri: riduzione del debito e previsione di ritorno all’utile

By |2022-01-10T18:55:56+01:0010.01.22|Comunicati Stampa, Highlights, Notizie|

Signori Azionisti, l’anno appena trascorso ha prodotto la trasformazione aziendale che avevamo impostato nel 2017, con l’acquisizione di Softeco Sismat da parte di TerniEnergia, e che abbiamo costruito dal 2019 con la decisione di redigere, sviluppare e rendere operativo un dettagliato Piano di Risanamento, [...]

Payments to creditors due on 31 December 2021 completed as provided for in the Restructuring Agreement

By |2021-12-30T09:16:08+01:0030.12.21|actuality, highlights, News, Press Release|

Further reduction of financial debt as at 31 December 2021 by approximately Euro 11 million algoWatt, a GreenTech Company listed on the Euronext Milan market of Borsa Italiana, with reference to the announcement made on 21 June 2021 regarding the approval of the Recovery [...]

Sale of environmental assets completed Two ELTs plants and a biodigestion plant sold to Buttol Srl

By |2021-12-28T16:04:04+01:0028.12.21|highlights, News, Press Release|

The transactions were carried out through the sale of the business unit related to the management of the end-of-life tyre recovery plants of Nera Montoro (TR) and Borgo Val di Taro (PR) and the biodigestion and composting plant of Nera Montoro (TR) With this [...]

L’offerta algoWatt per le comunità energetiche a Smart Building Roadshow

By |2021-12-17T18:13:10+01:0017.12.21|Eventi, Highlights, Notizie|

Ultimo appuntamento del 2021 per Smart Building Roadshow dedicato a “Digitalizzazione, green deal, resilienza: tre sfide per la ripresa”. Laura Bizzarri, Chief Transformation Officer di algoWatt, ha portato la propria testimonianza nella tavola rotonda che ha concluso l'evento e he è stata dedicata ai [...]