algoWatt S.p.A., GreenTech Solutions Company listed on the Euronext Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, announces that it has entered into an important framework agreement with a leading Italian bank, for the evolutionary and corrective maintenance of remote-control solutions for technological systems and the management of maintenance teams at offices throughout Italy. The framework agreement, which will be in force until March 2025, provides for the performance of activities to update algoWatt’s proprietary platform for remote control of air-conditioning systems, consumption monitoring and asset management, application assistance, support and management in the corrective maintenance phase and implementation of new functionalities, interface updating, interaction with other company systems, etc. in the evolutionary maintenance phase. The solutions adopted allow for the optimisation of the massive scheduling of installations with the detection of anomalies and undue switch-on, with a significant effect on the reduction of energy consumption and on the management of the installations themselves, as well as ensuring efficient planning of asset maintenance in the managed buildings.