Networking and team building pass by the headquarters in Catania

By |2019-07-05T11:31:06+02:005.07.19|Events, Vecchie News|

The perfect time to share an easy and relaxed drink, to build the group without formalisms, e-mails to read, lines of code to write, orders to manage, invoices to archive, timetables to respect. Softeco's networking and team building events continue, this time with an appointment [...]

Networking e team building passano per la sede di Catania

By |2019-07-05T11:29:38+02:005.07.19|Events, Vecchie News|

Il momento perfetto per condividere un aperitivo easy e rilassato, per costruire il gruppo senza formalismi, e-mail da leggere, righe di codice da scrivere, ordini da gestire, fatture da archiviare, orari da rispettare. Gli eventi di networking e team building di Softeco continuano, stavolta con [...]

Softeco awarded in Rome for the Passiamo and e-Scale projects

By |2019-07-03T14:49:02+02:003.07.19|Events, no category, Vecchie News|

As part of the "Lazio2030: together to innovate" event to be held in Rome on 4 July, Softeco will receive an award for the support given to the region to invest in research and innovation. The Lazio region has invested over 300 million euros [...]

Softeco: happy hour with colleagues in Milan

By |2019-07-01T13:40:33+02:001.07.19|Events, Vecchie News|

For one evening, the Softeco offices in Genoa and Milan joined for a corporate team building event. Team building activities are a good way to create cohesion and integration within a working environment, even more useful in those cases where work environments are located [...]

Softeco in Brussels for the H2020 Energy Infodays

By |2019-06-21T11:20:18+02:0021.06.19|Events, Vecchie News|

The Horizon 2020 Energy Info Days will be held in Brussels from 25 to 27 June. These are three information days on the subject of energy, with three different topics discussed on a daily basis: Smart Cities and Communities, Smart Energy Systems and Batteries [...]

Sustainable Mobility and Softeco’s proposals at the AEIT seminar

By |2019-06-19T13:08:53+02:0019.06.19|Events, Vecchie News|

Sustainable mobility is a topic on which we are studying and debating a lot: in a historical and social moment in which safety and environmental protection has become a priority, all solutions that can impact as little as possible on the environmental status become [...]

Softeco at SUMP with the European project INCLUSION

By |2019-06-18T10:55:53+02:0018.06.19|Events, Vecchie News|

The European project INCLUSION consortium, coordinated by Softeco, organizes the public event entitled "Making cities more inclusive and accessible for all: new approaches and solutions". The event is held jointly with the European conference on sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP) held in Groningen (NL) [...]

IMOVE and the Mobility-as-a-Service in Stockholm

By |2019-06-10T17:07:22+02:0010.06.19|Events, Green Mobility, Vecchie News|

UITP's Global Public Transport Summit 2019 is underway in Stockholm: Softeco will participate in the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) workshop with the IMOVE project. UITP - the International Association of Public Transport - is the global reference network for sustainable urban mobility. The theme he proposes [...]

Softeco at the Computer Science Workshop

By |2019-06-07T11:55:29+02:007.06.19|Events, HR, Vecchie News|

Softeco participates in the Computer Science Workshop organized by the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering of the University of Genoa. L’obiettivo di questa giornata è di esplorare i numerosi campi di ricerca in ambito Computer Science in uno scenario che è [...]

Softeco at the AEIT workshop on digitization in the Power and Water field

By |2019-05-23T12:16:02+02:0023.05.19|Events, Green utilities, Vecchie News|

On May 28th Softeco will attend the workshop "Digitalization in Power and Water" organized by AEIT Italian Association of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Computer Science and Telecommunications. The event, which will be held at ABB in Via Albareto in Sestri Ponente, will explore the changes [...]